
Tuesday, 19 December 2017

Number and tonnage of Japanese cruisers superior to American cruiser strength according to the Dutch magazine Marineblad dated 1923

An item referred to an article written by Bywater (1) in the magazine N. and M.R. in which he discussed the numbers of cruisers in the US and Japanese navies. Japan possessed at that moment 12 cruisers of which 9 dating from 1917 or later with the USA lacking any cruiser. When both navies executed their fleet programmes within the next year would Japan have 29 cruisers with a total tonnage of 185.000 tons against the 10 with a total tonnage of 75.000 tons of the USA.

1. Hector Charles Bywater (21 October 1884 London, England-16/17 August 1940 London, England), journalist and military writer.