
Saturday, 2 June 2018

French minister of navy Boué de Lapeyère wanted 2-450 ton destroyers according to the Dutch magazine Marineblad dated 1909-1910 no. 8

An item reported that the French minister of navy (1) decided to built 2-450 destroyers instead of 750 ton destroyers. Their dimensions were 64,5 x 6.55 x 2,36 metres, with a turbines machinery delivering a horsepower of 8.600hp and a speed of 28 miles. The crew was to number 4 officers and 58 sailors. The armament was to consist of 6-6,5cm quick firing guns and 2 torpedo guns.

1. Augustin Boué de Lapeyère (18 January 1852 Castéra-Lectourois-17 February 1924 Pau), navy officer ending his career 1869-1916 in the rank of admiral and minister between 24 July 1909-2 March 1911?