Auction at the Nieuwezyds Heeren Loogement, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Amsterdam on Monday 12 October 1733 of 1/16 share in the Dutch whaler Elisabeth, commandeur Jan Jnse, galliot ship, bookkeeper Cornelis Roost, Oostzanen, 3 boats, underway towards Bordeaux, France, dimensions 86-87 x 22 x 11.5 feet and built in 1731. Sold for 1.693 Dutch guilders to John Archer. (1)
1. Jan Jansz Insz was commandeur for Cornelis Roos between 1726-1734 as Davis Strait Whaler. His catch results in this period were just 2 whales (1727 and 1733) and 517 barrels whale blubbers, apparently he was also merchant while despite not catching none whales he came homeward with barrels blubber in yeard without catching whales. Alphabetische naam-lyst van alle de Groenlandsche en Straat-Davidsche Commandeurs die sedert het jaar 1700 op Groenland en sedert het jaar 1719 op de Straat Davis etc. Gerret van Sant. Published by Johannes Enschede, Amsterdam 1770, with hand written note until 1794.
Archief van de Burgemeesters: scheepsverkopingen door makelaars. Archive 5071 Gemeentearchief Amsterdam, Netherlands archive No. 5071, inventory number 2
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