
Wednesday 26 January 2022

Italian screw steam corvette Amerigo Vespucci visited the Dutch East Indies in 1899

The Jaarboek van de Koninklijke Nederlandsche Zeemacht 1898-1899 reported that the Italian cruiser 3rd class Amerigo Vespucci visited Batavia, Dutch East Indies between 18-22 June 1899. The Dutch newspaper De locomotief dated 22 June reported her arrival at Tandjong Priok on Sunday morning to bunker coal. The training ship commander by captain Zez[i] was underway from Hong Kong to Europe and intended to stay for 4 days before leaving fro Aden. The Soerabijasch handelsblad dated 23 June reported a third of her crew of more as 100 visited Batavia on 22 June returning with the last evening train. She was called a sailing ship with auxiliary steam power.


1. Screw steam barque rigged corvette designed by Carlo Vigna , laid down at the navy yard at Venice on 9 December 1879, launched on 31 July 1882, completed on 1 September 1884, training ship since 1893 and stricken on 22 January 1928.

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