
Wednesday 14 June 2023

Russian submarine hit German battleship Tirpitz with one torpedo according to the U.S. Joint Intelligence Committee. Daily summary dated 5 August 1942

An item reported that a source supplying regular reliable information stated that the German battleship Tirpitz was hit by one torpedo in contrary to the 2 hits a Russian submarine claimed on 5 July (Summary No. 209). The J.I.C. commented that the Russian report was uncorrect but could not entirely be discounted because there was just one disclaiming report available.(1)


1. Laid down by Kriegsmarinewerft Wilhelmshaven, Germany on 2 November 1936, launched on 1 April 1939, commissioned on 25 February 1941 and sunk by the Royal Air Force on 12 November 1944 at Tromsø, Norway, with her wreck broken up between 1948-1957. Of the Bismarck-class as answer on the French Richelieu-class battleships.


Map Room Papers (Roosevelt Administration), 1942 - 1945. U.S. Joint Intelligence Committee. Daily summary No. 238 dated 5 August 1942.

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