
Monday 26 September 2011

The Russian and Turkish navies in the Black Sea and the Levant according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 26 January 1829

According to a letter from Varna returned the Russian rear admiral Kumany with 2 captured iron guns and 94 Turkish prisoners to Varna. A report dated 22 December 1828 from General Roth from Varna supplied more details. Kumany was send with part of the Russian fleet to cross off the West Coast of the Black Sea and was informed by the crew of a Turkish freighter that on the small island St. Anastatius near Siseboli the Turkish built some defence works. The freighter was loaded with building materials for the defence works in the Gulf of Burgas. Kumany sailed immediately towards this island and demanded 14 December the surrender that was in advance refused by finally seeing that there was no hope for reinforcements offered. The Russians would however not shoot at the island because there was a Greek monastery. The commanding officers, 2 other officers and 91 soldiers and 2 guns with other stores were taken prisoner or captured.

Although the blockade of the Dardanelles until half December still didn't influenced the supply of Constantinople seriously the Turkish government intended to drive the Russian squadron away by force. For this purpose all efforts were done to fit out some ships of the line but how to man these ships was an enormous problem while the Porte didn't had any Greek sailors more. In the mean time departed 12 December a corvette and 4 fire ships towards the entrance of the Dardanelles. Constantinople was still supplied by ships coming from Turkish harbours at the Black Sea coasts. Forty ships loaded with grain coming from Sinope were while underway towards the capital city wrecked in a heavy storm. The newspaper of Odessa dated 31 December published an announcement of the Russian government that admiral Greig was ordered to close the Bosporus for all shipping. Greig commanded the Russian Black Sea fleet. The only exceptions were ships destined for Russian Black Sea harbours or ships fitted out in these harbours but cargoes grain or war stores like gunpowder, saddles and saltpetre were not allowed to be transported.