
Sunday 4 September 2011

Unfortunately Algerian privateer attacked Portuguese homeward bound Bahia fleet according to the Dutch newspaper Opregte Groninger courant dated 23 January 1767

A tiding dated Lisbon 29 December 1766 reported that of the ships of the so-called Bahia fleet the Admirals ship was attacked by a Algerian chebecq off the islands on a moment she was alone. Just five Algerians boarded her and captured her without any resistance and finally were 64 of the privateers on board when the escorting Portuguese warship noticed that there were problems. The chebecq fled leaving her men on board of the Portuguese prize and who immediately surrendered handing over their weapons. The result was that they were all murdered by the Portuguese crew except for 17 taken over by the commanding officer of the warship. All officers of the so-called Admirals ship were taken prisoner to be trial for their conduct.