
Sunday, 8 March 2020

Movements of the Greek and Turkish navies in the Mediterranean according to the Dutch newspaper Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 21 November 1821

Trieste, 1 November. Today arrived several ships from Zante, Korfu and Calamara after voyages of 9 tot 10 days. The letters which they had on board, confirmed the capture of the fortress at Tripolitza by the Greeks while killing everyone except for 3 Turkish officers, which were taken prisoner. The crews of the above mentioned ships also stated that the Grecian and Turkish fleets fought 16 October near Navarino, in which fight 21 Turkish ships were captured and another 12 burnt. These statements had to be confirmed while other tidings said the Turkish won.

Trieste, 2 November. Tripolitza was captured and all the Turkish were except for 3 Beys (commanding officers) killed. What really 12 October happened during the fight between both fleets in the area between Zante and Strofadi was still unknown.