
Tuesday, 7 February 2012

French transports assembled in Belgian ports according to the Dutch newspaper Oprechte Haarlemse Courant 1 October 1803

An item dated Brussels 29 September report that all the merchant ships with their crews by the government required and lying in the rivers and channels were ordered to go to the docks in the harbours of Bruges and Ostende. All ready arrived 40-50 of these ships last Monday and Tuesday at Gent form where the voyage was to be continued. Most of the ships were to serve as transports for artillery, ammunition and horses. Next week were at Gent an Bruges some gun sloops and flat bottomed vessels to be launched built under supervision of several navy officers. Alone the town Gent supplied 650.000 guilders for this purpose. It was assured that vide admiral Nielly (1) was to command the fore now assembled in the channel and in the large dock of Gent.

1. Joseph-Marie Nielly (Brest 1751-Brest 1833).