
Thursday, 4 October 2012

Dutch bark ship Margaretha Catharina homeward bound according to the Dutch newspaper Javasche courant 11 August 1837

An announcement reported that the fast Dutch bark ship Margaretha Catharina captain J.H. Schippers would depart Batavia in August towards the Netherlands. Excellent passenger accommodation. For more details could be asked at the captain or Nolthenius&Co.(1)

1. The website mentioned a bark built as de Welvaart in 1826 at Amsterdam for L. Schumacher in Amsterdam, renamed 1835 Margaretha Catharina for H. Angelkot Willink in Amsterdam and served until 1844. The Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 22 July 1826 published an item dated Amsterdam 20 July reporting that the shipbuilders A. de Graaf&Zoonen the same day with success at their shipyard de Oranjeboom the frigate ship De Welvaart launched for Louis Schumacher. Herman Angelkot Willink (29 September 1809 Amsterdam-14 June 1844 Amsterdam). The newspaper Algemeen Handelsblad dated 9 March 1837 published an announcement that the coppered bark ship Margaretha Catharina captain Jan Hugo Schippers intended to depart Amsterdam on 20 March 1837 towards Batavia. She had excellent passenger accommodation. For more details could be asked at Canne en Balwé and Floris der Kinderen, shipbrokers in Amsterdam.