
Saturday 15 December 2012

Dutch floating sheer leg Simson built according to the Dutch newspaper Nieuwsblad voor Gorinchem en omstreken dated 18 October 1957

An item reported that the shipyard of J.&K. Smit’s Scheepswerven at Kinderdijk received from the Dutch firm N.V. W.A. tak’s Bergingsbedrijf at Rotterdam the order to built the floating sheer leg Simson with a lift capacity of 250 tons for the head hoists at a lift height of 34 metres and a range of 8 metres. Another Dutch shipyard Scheepsbouwwerf De Hoop at Hardinxveld was to built the necessary pontoon with as dimensions 36,5 x 17,6 x 3,25 [hold]metres. F. Kloos&Zonen’s Werkplaarsen at Kinderdijk would manufacture the legs and J.&K. Smit the winches and which firm was responsible for the assembly. The edition  dated 15 August 1958 reported her launching and that she was baptized by Mrs. M. Leis-Lolkus. She was of similar design to the Kolossus although with improved capacities.