
Tuesday 4 December 2012

French torpedo boat Lansquenet supporting burning British 4-master Dundonald according to the Dutch newspaper Rotterdamsch nieuwsblad dated 4 September 1899

An item dated Boulogne-sur-mer 2 September reported that at 01.00 o’clock a serious fire broke out on board of the British 4-master Dundonald which arrived from Calcutta with on board a cargo of jute. Eighteen spray brands and the destroyer Lansquenet (1) were fighting the fire assisted by infantry.

1. She was according to Conway’s All the world’s fighting ships 1860-1905 in fact a seagoing torpedo boat of a revolutionary launched on 18 May 1893 at the shipyard of Oriolle, Nantes, not earlier accepted as in 1898 and commissioned in 1900, after a collision laid up, and sold in 1905.