
Monday 27 May 2013

German catapult ship Friesland commissioned according to the Dutch magazine Marineblad dated 1939 no. 6

An item referred to the magazine Proc. dated April 1939 reporting that the German catapult ship Friesland was commissioned and stationed at Horta, Azores. With a displacement of 6.813 tons were her dimensions 460’x 54’x 19.7’. Two diesel engines allowed a speed of 16 miles. Fuel capacity 2.350 ton. The Friesland was fitted out with a complete repair workshop for float planes and carried with her a light beacon, a radio beacon and a echo sounder. The crane had a lifting capacity of 15 ton. With a weight of 95 ton and a length of 136’ was the catapult able to launch a 18 ton plane with an acceleration of 110’/second in 1,52 seconds with a speed of 156 kilometres. On board were 2 meteorologists and 6 technicians.