
Monday, 24 June 2013

Japanese submarine no. 43 lost according to the Dutch newspaper De Indische Courant dated 20 March 1924

An item dated Tokyo the 19th reported that a Japanese submarine 10 miles outside the harbour of Yaseboth collided with the Japanese warship Tatsuta and sunk in 26 fathoms deep water. Four officers and forty sailors were saved. Everything was done to salvage her. The newspaper De Tijd dated 20 March published an item dated London 20 March reported that the same morning of the 44 sailors on board of the sunk Japanese submarine still1 8 men were alive. The newspaper Rotterdamsch nieuwsblad dated 22 March published an item dated Paris the 22nd reporting that Japanese naval authorities had no hope left to save the crew of the sunk no. 43. The newspaper Nieuwe Tilburgsche Courant of the same date reported that there was still contact met 18 survivors although if there was no rescue realized on short notice they also would die. It was believed that the men who were in the fore part of the submarine already were killed. She was lying horizontal on the sea bottom.