
Tuesday 5 November 2013

Brazilian emperor with ship of the line Dom Pedro and other warships visiting Portugal according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 28 August 1827?

London, 24 August. Since two days are rumours that there again a troop transport with soldiers destined for Portugal was. According to the New Courier were just two ships destined for the river Taag to replace two others which recently left there. The same evening newspaper published a letter coming from Lisbon that the common believe there was that Dom Pedro was to visit Europe. This tiding was brought back by the Portuguese brig Apollo, which sailed in 59 days from Rio de Janeiro to Lisbon. According to another tiding brought by a ship was the emperor already departed 27 June on board of the Dom Pedro, the frigates Constancia and Rio de Prata and the brig Princeza da Para. If these tidings were true, than was it possible that the emperor already arrived at Lisbon, while the letter was dated 15 August. Rumours in Lisbon claimed that the palace of Ajuda was prepared for the emperor and signal flags sent to the castle of Belem, to announce immediately the arrival of the Brazilian ships.