dated 23 July mentioned the arrival of the gabare La Nantaise, commanded by
Lieutenant Couhitte at Toulon.
She departed Smyrna
17 June. A day later she met, visiting Ispera and Chios,
40 Greek ships with refugees from Ivalie. Despite all efforts the Pasha didn’t succeed in
stopping the killing of Greeks by the common people. He feared for more problems
if it became known that the Greeks burnt 7 or 8 June near the island Mitylene a
Turkish ship, killing the entire crew. Even the French territory was in early
June almost burnt by the common people. The commanding officers of the Greek
fleet, mostly fitted out at Hydra, Ispara and Specia intended to sail to Smyrna and captured this
city. The French were luckily enough supported by a British corvette Media
commanded by captain Hoekings and the French corvette l’Arriege,
commanded by captaine de fregate Delueil, who patrolled off Morea and Candia.