
Wednesday, 20 November 2013

The Egyptian and Turkish navies in the Levant according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 27 August 1823

Smyrna. 18 July. The fleet of the Egyptian vice roi commanded by Ismaël Gibraltar consisting of 43 ships including the transports was 11 days ago sighted off Rhodes. On board were troops to be landed at Candia. Among the warships were two large beautiful frigates.

Frankfurt, 22 August. According to a semi official Austrian government newspaper with tidings from Constantinople dated until 20 June were due to the fire of 12 June two small frigates still on stocks at the yards and an aged useless frigate burned.

Inhabitants from Ipsara plundered Sanderley and set it afterwards into fire. They came with 150 small vessels mostly manned by Albanians which were paid by Ipsara.