
Wednesday 20 November 2013

The navies of Egypt, England and Greece according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 15 June 1826

Vienna, 4 June. Since Missolunghi was surrendered and the Greek navy left that area increased the piracy extremely. The Austrian master Lanza was recently off Zante hold up by a Greek brig and robbed of his rigging and money. The British frigate Nayade, captain Spencer, as ordered by commodore Hamilton, left 17 May Corfu to pursue pirates which captured 5 Ionian ships. The newspaper Osservatore Triestino published an account of master Giarovich who managed to capture a pirate who he had forced to strand at the Spianza island Espalmatoni. It was a mistiek armed with 5 guns, a length of 50 feet and 34 oars and all over covered with blood. They take the guns out of the mistiek and burnt her.

Trieste, 1 June. According to tidings captured were 14 transports with victuals and war stores send from Alexandria towards Ibrahim Pasha captured by the Greek admiral Miaulis in the waters of Hydra and used to supply Napoli. The Turkish Capitan Pasha was 10 May in the waters of Ipsara to join Ibrahim.