
Tuesday 5 November 2013

The navy of the southern republic of Haiti according to the American monthly magazine and critical review of July 1817

“President Petion (1) has recently got into a difficulty with the government of Buenos Ayres, for having confiscated certain property, captured on the high seas, and sent into Tort au Prince, as a neutral port, by Commodore Taylor of the Buenos Ayrean squadron. The Commodore has begun to make reprisals, and has sent Petion a letter, informing him that he shall detain all Haytian vessels he may meet with if satisfaction be made by Petion, they shall be restored ; if not, they will be considered good and lawful prizes. The navy of Petion consists of the frigate General Brown, carrying 40 guns and 400 men; the Wilberforce, of 22 guns; the FireFly, of 18 guns, and the Conqueror, of 16 guns, all lying in harbour.”

H. Biglow and Orville Luther Holley. The American monthly magazine and critical review, volume 1, July 1817, p. 222.

1. This was Alexandre Sabès Pétion (Port au Prince 2 April 1770-29 March 1818), president of the southern Republic of Haïti between 17 October 1806 and his death. See for more details