
Wednesday 6 November 2013

The Turkish fleet still not departed towards the Mediterranean according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 15 June 1838

The newspaper Allgemeine Zeitung published tidings from Constantinople dated 22 May dealing with the fact that the fleet which had to depart all ready 8 days earlier still was lying in the main channel. Despite the objections made by lord Ponson by and admiral Roussin who feared she collided with the Egyptian fleet she intended to depart. Letters who arrived in France coming from the Levant reported the fitting out on a large scale of a fleet at Constantinople. It’s almost certain that the Turkish fleet which was much stronger as last year will leave the Dardanelles on short notice. Never according to these letters were there so many warships seen in the Dardanelles and constant appeared new ones from the docks. Turkey possessed that moment 26 complete fitted out ships of the line and frigates. The destination is however still unknown. France still feared that the destination would be Tunis where their influence was quite important.