
Monday 13 January 2014

British auxiliary cruiser Carmania destroyed German steamship Can Trafalgar according to the Dutch newspaper Algemeen Handelsblad dated 21 September 1914

An item dated London 20 September reported that according to the British admiralty the British auxiliary cruiser Carmania (1) destroyed an German armed steamship during a battle of nearly two hours. Of her crew were nine man killed. The German steamship was believed to be the Berlin or the Kap Trafalgar. According to the edition of the next day was the battle on the 14th and was the crew of the (now called) Cap Trafalgar saved by the German ship Eleonore Woermann.

1. Launched on 21 February 1905 at the shipyard of John Brown&Co., Clydebank with yard number 366 and finally broken up in 1932. Of the Cunard Line. With as tonnage 19.524 gross tons were her dimensions 198,2 x 22,0 metres. Speed 18 knots. Her armament consisted of 8-4.7” guns.