
Sunday 16 August 2015

Dutch frigate Zr.Ms. Rijn bound for China, Philippines and via the Dutch East Indies towards the Netherlands according to the Dutch newspaper Zierikzeesche Courant dated 19 June 1850

An item referred to the newspaper Javasche Courant dating from the period 30 March-27 April reporting that the Dutch frigate Zr. Ms. Rijn in mid May via Sambas and Pontianak, Dutch East Indies would depart towards China and from there would return via Manila, Philippines towards Makassar, Dutch East Indies. After this voyage she would transport governor general Rochussen towards the Netherlands.(1)

1. Rijn, also called Rhijn, laid down as the French La Vestale at the navy shipyard at Rotterdam, Netherlands by P. Glavimans in March 1813, handed over to the Netherlands in 1814 and renamed Rijn, launched on 5 October 1816, lengthened in 1825, conversion into a paddle steamship failed, shortened 1830, guard ship at Hellevoetsluis, Netherlands and Willemsoord, Netherlands since 1852, broken up at Hellevoetsluis in 1875, dimensions 145 x 36,8 x 19 French feet or 55,25 x 12,3 x 5,75 metres and an armament of 44-54 guns (since 1830).