
Sunday 10 January 2016

Austria founded several coastal stations with torpedo boats according to the Dutch magazine Marineblad dated 1910-1911 no. 3

An item reported that the Austrian navy founded coastal stations at Trieste, Primero, Umago, Pola in Istria, Lissin, Zara, Sebenico and Teodo(?). Depending on the military value of the stations were 2-6 torpedo boats stationed of which the larger were of the Cobra-type (Yarrow 1898-1899, 115 ton, speed 26 miles) and the smaller of the Bussard-type (Schichau, 1887. 79 ton, 19 miles). At Teodo where the largest group was stationed was the torpedo gunboat Satellit (Schichai, 1893, 540 ton, speed 21,5 miles) added.