
Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Results with Parsons turbines on board of British torpedo boats were promising according to the Dutch magazine Marineblad dated 1899-1900 no. 10

An item referred to the Mittheilungen reporting that the torpedo boats fitted out with Parsons turbines now being built for the British Royal navy had almost the same dimensions as the 30 miles destroyers with a somewhat larger displacement. Instead of the first intended 6.500 ihp, was with the wider boilers 10.000 ihp planned. Star and port board of the hull were fitted out with two propeller shafts, driven by respectively a high and a low pressure turbine. Each low pressure turbine shaft was also fitted out with a small contrary turbine to prevent backward effects. Designed speed was 15,5 (backwards)-35 (forwards) miles. One of the boats achieved during a preliminary trial already a speed of more as 32,5 miles.