
Sunday 3 July 2016

German naval airships attacking British cities according to the Dutch newspaper Bataviaasch nieuwsblad dated 25 October 1917

An item dated London, England 23rd referred to a German statement that on Friday night a squadron navy airships with success the British cities London, Manchester, Birmingham, Nottingham, Derby, Lowestoft, Hull, Grimsby, Norwich and Mapleton attacked. Returning home came four of the airships in thick fog and with contrary winds in the French war zone and were shot down or forced to land. The fate of the airships and their crews was unknown. A second item reported an attack by 10 or more airships of which 5 even did not succeeded to attack their targets. Five airships attacked London although just one succeeded in penetrating the defence and roping 3 bombs. An item dated Paris, France 23rd reported that five were shot down