
Tuesday 9 August 2016

The French Bretagne-class battleships according to the Dutch magazine Marineblad dated 1912-1913 no. 4





An item reported that the French battleships to be built in 1912 known as A5 en A6 and the ship which was to replace the Liberté had almost similar dimensions as the Jean Bart. The main armament however was to consisted of 5x2-34 guns of which the turrets were located on the centre line, two fore and two aft in a super firing arrangement and the 5th amidships make it possible to fire with four guns straight ahead or aft and with all guns available for broadside salvos. The experiences with the Liberté led to the demand that if necessary the ammunition storages could be completely flooded within 15 minutes. The Le Moniteur de la Flotte reported that the ships were to be named Bretagne, Provence and Lorraine.(1)

1. Bretagne-class preceded by the Courbet-class and to be succeeded by the Normandie-class but in reality by the Dunkerque-class. Displacement 23.936 (normal)-26.000 (full load) tons and as main armament 10-34cm/13” /45 Modèle 1912 guns.