An item referred to the Scientific American reporting that the US Navy decided to built battle cruisers which were to be superior to foreign opponents except perhaps the armour. The speed was to be 35 miles with 175.000 hp horsepower delivered by turbines which drove alternators powering the electro motors connect with the screws. Capacity of turbine generators was 35.000 Kilowatt. The water tube boilers were oil-fuelled with the double bottom serving as fuel oil bunker. Dimensions 250-280 x 29,6 metres and a displacement of 40.000 (loaded) tons. Main armament consisted of 8-40,6cm/16” /45 guns shooting projectiles with a weight of 2.400 lbs and with a maximum range of 25.000-30.000 yards.(1)
1. The Lexington-class consisting of the Lexington and Saratoga finally completed as aircraft carriers while the other 4 planned ships called Constellation, Ranger, Constitution and United States never were completed.