
Friday 6 October 2017

Royal Netherlands Navy decided to built more steam gunboats and torpedo boats in stead of monitors according to the Dutch Jaarboek van de Koninklijke Nederlandsche Zeemagt 1877-1878

An item reported that the program of new building dating from 1874 was changed mainly as a result of the progress in the use of torpedoes against the relatively value of armoured ships. Decided was to stop the building of monitors for the time being and with more haste to built steam gunboats and torpedo vessels. It was believed that a when a well aimed torpedo hit a armoured ship below the waterline causing a hole in the hull the ships perhaps would not sunk due to the watertight bulkheads but would certainly be out of action and was not able to defend herself sufficient enough against further torpedo attacks. Smaller vessels like gunboats were harder to hit and evenmore much cheaper as monitors. The building costs of a monitor with 2-28cm breech loading guns was similar to 5 gunboats with 1-28cm breech loading gun or 20 torpedo boats. Decided was to built 24 in stead of 14 torpedo boats, 30 instead of 30 steam gunboats and just 4 monitors.