
Sunday, 8 March 2020

The British cruiser program according to the Dutch newspaper Het Vaderland morning edition 16 July 1925

According to a tiding dated London 15 July ended the commission with as chairman Lord Birkenhead (1)the discussions dealing with the building of cruisers and was an report to be handed over to the cabinet. A compromise was made by the members of the commission with as result that that year 5 cruisers each of 10,000 tons were to be laid down followed by the coming 6 years by another 7 cruisers of the same size. The results for the budget this year wouldn’t be to negative as a result of this compromise.

1. Presumably Frederick Edwin Smith, 1st Earl of Birkenhead (Birkenhead, Cheshire 12 July 1872-Grosvenor Gardens, London 30 September 1958), Conservative politician, secretary of State for India 6 November 1924-18 October 1928.