
Wednesday, 15 May 2019

The Austrian and French navies in the Mediterranean according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 8 May 1833

Tidings from Paris dated 4th May suggested that letters from admiral Roussin out of Constantinople arrived at the Department. Roussin was quite angry because Mehmet Ali refused the peace conditions. As result were orders sent to Brest and Toulon to fit out with all haste warships to able to depart towards sea as soon as possible. At Toulon were among the ships which were fitted out the ships of line Nestor (1) and Ville de Marseille.(2) The whole fleet ordered to protect the French interests in the Levant was to collect between 15 and 20 May in the waters of Navarino. The Austrian corvette Abbondance with the Austrian representative Baron Von Ottenfels at the Turkish court returned to Austria wrecked off Brindisi, Italy.(3) The crew of 150 men and the baron nearly escaped death. The captain of the corvette committed suicide.

Karl Gogg. Osterreichs Kriegsmarine 1440-1448. 
J. Vichot. Repertoire des navires de guerre français. Paris, 1967.

1. La Ville de Marseille, on stocks 1811, launched 1812, barracks 1858, last mentioned 1877.
2. Le Nestor, on stocks at Brest 1809, launched 1810 and last mentioned 1849.
3. Called Abbondanza, called gabarra, armed with 30 guns, launched at Venice 19 June 1828, rebuilt at corvette 1831, in the night when returning from Constantinople due to a storm stranded off Brindisi 10 April 1833 and lost.