
Thursday 4 July 2019

French naval movements according to the Dutch newspaper Middelburgsche Courant dated 7 November 1778

Brest, 14 October. On 12 October departed from Rochefort a convoy of 6 large merchant ships loaded with victuals towards America escorted by the 64-gun le Roland, the 50-gun le Fier and 3 frigates. The le Roland was ordered to escort the convoy just to a distance of 150 miles and than to start a cruising voyage of 14 days before returning. The other warships stayed with the convoy. The frigate la Sensible returned yesterday form her cruising. She captured 2 British privateers and recaptured a French ship. According to letters from Marseille dated 18 October captured the frigate la Sartaine off the Italian coast a British ship loaded with 4,000 quintalen salted fish.